Wednesday, June 12 6:30 PM Celebrate Shavuot with family and friends! Story time & Mt. Sinai workshop for children Hear the 10 Commandments Enjoy an array of salads & fabulous pastas, our popular Cheesecakes and ice cream bar There will be Dairy Free options as well This event is free with an RSVP Shavuot commemorates the day we received the Torah at Mt. Sinai 3,336 years ago. It's special & important for men, women, and children to hear the 10 commandments read from the Torah on this day. To join the Shavuot Late Night Torah study Click Here Full Name* First Name Last Name E-mail* Phone Number Area Code Phone Number Number of adults attending:* Number of children attending: There is no charge for this event. Please consider being a sponsor to help us continue providing such events in the future, and thereby continue to strengthen the Jewish community. Full Sponsorship is $1800. Co-sponsor is $900. Of course any amount you can give is awesome! Yes! I'd love to support this wonderful event with a donation! $54 USD$100 USD$180 USD$360 USD$900 USD$1800 USD Total $0.00 USD Payment Method Credit Card Other Credit Card We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Credit Card Number Security Code Name on Card1 - January2 - February3 - March4 - April5 - May6 - June7 - July8 - August9 - September10 - October11 - November12 - December Expiration Month2024202520262027202820292030203120322033 Expiration YearChecks can be made out to : Chabad of S. Johns County1571 Lemonwood Rd.St. Johns, FL 32259 Comments? Questions? Submit Should be Empty: This page uses TLS encryption to keep your data secure.